Hello people of the internet, and welcome!
I'm starting this blog because I recently got back into comics due to DC's New 52 initiative, and that has proven to be a bit of a rabbit hole for me. Granted, that's mostly in regard to comics, but I'm pretty late to the party in most things. For instance, I only recently made a Steam account, I just started playing Portal 2, and I've yet to see a single episode of Doctor Who (it's on my list, I swear!). So join me as I discover some things that most of you have known about for years, as well as a few new things. I guarantee that whatever it is, odds are I'll think it's pretty awesome.
Within reason, of course. |
Some things to know about me:
-The first comics character I ever followed was Kyle Rayner as Green Lantern
-The first comic series I ever collected was Ultimate Spider-Man (I have 115 issues of the original run, and I love literally every one of them)
-I have a PS3, and I'm currently playing Skyrim (and Portal 2)
-I used to play Magic, then I stopped, then I decided I would start up again, then I was like, nevermind, this is expensive and hard
-D&D? Yes, please!
Feel free to suggest things I should try, and they don't even have to be geeky! Let's keep this casual.